Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Lady Gaga put out a new Gagavision video today, and whenever I watch these I can't help but think that she's actually a pretty rad person.  The Gagavision videos give her "Little Monsters" a sneak peak into her everyday life and - even though she's pretty out there when it comes to appearances and performances - she seems to be pretty laid back in the real-life videos (the newest of which, no.42, you can watch below).

Although I can't think of hardly anyone who isn't a fan of Lady Gaga, I must admit that I think she's pretty much a musical genius - from her upbeat tunes to the way she markets herself, she's always got people talking.  According to this fun little website I recently discovered (and think is rather ridiculous) Gagapedia, her new album drops on May 23rd, and I'm excited to check it out.

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