Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama is Dead.

Everyone knows that Osama Bin Laden is dead.  I understand what a great day this is for the United States but part of me still wishes they would have captured him alive.  This would've offered concrete proof that he's done being the leader of Al Qaeda and prevented the world-wide celebration of someone's death.  The announcement also spurred many random questions for me:

1.  What kind of reaction will the terrorist group have?  If they had killed one of  our leaders and started celebrating in the streets of Pakistan, I know we would've wanted some kind of revenge.

2.  If he was living in such a luxurious mansion, out in the open, why did it  take us 10 years to find him?

3.  I wonder how Obama felt, knowing that Osama was dead for over a week but not being able to tell everyone.

4.  Will there be pictures of his death?  I really don't want to see them, but we all know we need some kind of closure in order to believe all of this.
    *and why has his body already been "buried at sea"?

5.  Why do so many people on today's morning talk shows keep slipping up and saying Obama instead of Osama?  "The death of Obama..." doesn't sound very good.

6.  Were the Navy Seals supposed to bring him in alive and one of them just lost it, deciding to shoot him in the head ?  Maybe he was threatening them?  I'd love to hear what happened during the raid.

Congrats are in order to the U.S. military as well as the President for a job well done.  I'm also happy for the closure that the evil guy's death brought for those who lost someone on September 11, 2001.

Now it's time to wait and see what this event means for the future of the United States.  If you missed President Obama's initial announcement and speech, you should check it out here.

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