Monday, March 28, 2011

If Only...

...this had been available when I was still in college.

Chegg is a company that started with the mission to make the college experience easier for students across the United States.  The website initially offered students the option to rent their text books instead of blowing their entire summer savings on their books every semester.  Although not every school is participating in the program yet, the company is expanding quickly and I have no doubt it will become a widely accepted concept at many major universities in the years to come.

Recently the company annouced that their website will be expanding to include more resources that will make the life of a student even easier.  These include a course scheduling program (where students can see if their friends are registering for the same classes), a course ranking program, and 24-hour homework help.

The best part is - every time you rent a book from Chegg, they plant a tree!  Yay earth!

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