Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer

I caught the late showing of Lincoln Lawyer last night, so here is my amateur opinion on the movie. In a nutshell: It was good but not great. The strong cast and well-paced plot line made it worth 118 minutes of my time and the movie was perfectly entertaining. But it missed that extra something you need in order for the movie to have been capable of "wow"-ing audiences.

The beginning of the movie introduces potentially lovable characters but never quite expands them enough for the audience to fully connect with them (such as Laurence Mason playing "Earl" the doesn't-ask-questions driver for Matthew McConaughey or Michael Pena as a wrongfully accused client). Also- I love Marisa Tomei as an actress so it's hard for me to come to terms with this but must be said- her character had no point in the movie. Tomei plays McConaughey's ex-wife and beside some witty-banter and the audience knowing that she exists there was really no point in ever flushing out the story line between the two of them.

Bottom line is that the movie was entertaining. It told a good story and held my interest throughout. I give it three out of five stars or thumbs up or popcorns or whatever I should be rating movies by, not fantastic but enjoyable.

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